The Lies by Mark Hurst

The Lies by Mark Hurst
English | 2023 | Mystery & Thriller

When Samantha and David decide to have a night out separately with their friends, events overtake them, and the lies lead them down a path of destruction.

To everyone else, it looked like Samantha and David had the perfect life. From meeting at university and falling in love to starting a successful business together, they made a great team. However, as everybody knows, appearances can be deceptive…

That one night out changed everything between them and things would never be the same again; not unless they could face up to their own truths and correct the wrongs.

Neither thought they could become the people they became and do the things they did. But that’s just what happens when two people wronged become consumed by a need for the truth, for justice, and ultimately, for the price to be paid.

If either of them had let it go, it could have all been so different – but neither of them could.

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