The Dream by Iain Ryan

The Dream by Iain Ryan
English | 2024 | Mystery & Thriller

In a city gripped by recession and shattered by violent bank robberies, three lives collide in a web of corruption, ambition, and revenge.

Detective Bruno Karras, haunted by past secrets, receives mysterious photos of a bloodstained house. Amy Owens, a reluctant investigator entangled with the underworld, digs into the dark dealings of a wealthy businessman. Mike Nichols, a backroom player with big dreams, finds himself caught in the crossfire.
As the glittering façade of the Gold Coast crumbles during the 1982 Commonwealth Games, Bruno, Amy and Mike uncover a sinister plot that threatens to consume them all. In a world where power and deception reign supreme, they must confront their own demons while navigating a labyrinth of danger and betrayal.

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