Taken by Danielle Ramsay

Taken by Danielle Ramsay
English | 2024 | Mystery & Thriller

I am accused of the worst of crimes – murdering my baby – and I have hours before this passenger ferry docks in Spain to find him, alive.
Someone knows about my difficult past and darkest secrets, and now I think they’ve taken my baby. But who would do this to me and why? I know the answer. Or at least I think I do…

The police want to know why I have fled my home and husband. How do I tell them that I had a breakdown after my first baby died? That today is the anniversary of his death? That my husband is planning on having me sectioned?
Despite what my husband says, I’m not ill. Am I? For I have discovered he has an agenda…
So how could I have been so wrong about him?
And how do I convince the police I’m innocent, when everyone believes I’m guilty, and get my baby back before he disappears forever?

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