Spearhead by Peter Driscoll

Spearhead by Peter Driscoll
English | 2025 | Mystery & Thriller

After languishing for twenty-five years in a top-security South African prison cell, Lincoln Kumalo, the most revered of all Black Nationalist leaders, has fallen seriously ill.
The Apartheid authorities refuse to release him, but they also can’t face the dire consequences of him dying in custody.
And so they hatch a cunning plot to eliminate him completely.

When Kumalo’s comrades hear of the lethal conspiracy, they come up with their own plan to save their leader by breaking him out.
The man brought in to do the job is former para Patrick Marriner, who quickly assembles a team of hardened veterans.
Their quest begins successfully, but soon explodes into violence and racial and political turmoil as SPEARHEAD moves inexorably to a shattering climax.

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