My Lying Husband by E.V. Seymour

My Lying Husband by E.V. Seymour
English | 2024 | Mystery & Thriller

I’ve struggled to build a good life for me and my son. But one moment will destroy everything.
I hear my son cry out. I rush, half-dressed, to the window and see two men marching up my driveway. They knock my son to the ground. They want the keys to my car.
I phone my husband. ‘Susannah,’ Lance says in a voice I don’t recognise. ‘Hand them the keys. Do not call the police.’

It brings back the wild panic I experienced all those years ago when I discovered I was pregnant after an intense holiday romance. I couldn’t tell the father. So I struggled as a single mother.
But when Lance suggested we move in with him and I could finally give my son a proper loving home it was the happiest day of my life.
But our life was built on lies. Not just about money. Everything.

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