Cold Dread by Bernadette Calonego

Cold Dread by Bernadette Calonego (Detective Calista Gates #5)
English | 2024 | Mystery & Thriller

A brutal assault in broad daylight. Young snowmobilers stalking a polar bear discover a bloodied woman unconscious in the snow.
Calista Gates, the police chief of a remote coastal town in Newfoundland, is faced with a puzzle. Why didn`t anyone who lives nearby in the fishing cove report the incident despite having a clear view of the spot where it took place?
Two days later Calista discovers the body of a local troublemaker who hates her. Bullets are lodged between his ribs.

As if this weren’t enough, Calista’s lover, Gerald Hynes, goes missing in the freezing cold of subarctic Labrador. He was last seen around a mysterious crater where a demon is said to swallow intruders.
Beside herself with worry, Calista remembers a cold case from eight years earlier. That summer, four women trekking in the exact same area vanished without a trace. Why did Gerald go there? Are all these incidents somehow connected?
Calista, under enormous pressure, realizes too late that someone is betraying her—and it could destroy her life.

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