Silent Girl by M.L Rose

Silent Girl by M.L Rose (Detective Nikki Gill #2)
English | 2024 | Mystery & Thriller

Her blonde hair was carefully arranged, forming a halo around her head. The young woman’s eyes were open, the blue of her pupils just about visible, fading in the wintry morning light. She looked stunned as if she couldn’t believe this had happened to her.
When Detective Nikki Gill is called to the crime scene of Charlotte Winspear, she finds the woman’s body in a secluded woodland at the top of a hill, her feet encased in heels without a speck of mud. Charlotte disappeared from a college party in an exclusive Oxford manor house the night before, and Nikki’s instincts tell her she didn’t die at this spot. So why did the killer bring Charlotte here?

As Nikki builds a picture of the student, she digs into Charlotte’s home life and discovers a wild child who was threatening to damage her father, Jacob’s reputation as a powerful local businessman. And that’s not all she finds… Charlotte was having an affair with her married teacher.
But just as Nikki starts to connect the secrets in Charlotte’s life and her father’s past, Charlotte’s friend is attacked and left for dead. Someone is silencing the women one by one.
With the media frenzy surrounding Charlotte’s murder and the killer on the loose, Nikki feels the weight of pressure like never before. She’s edging towards the truth, but is she also about to put her own life in grave danger?

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